Wednesday, November 17, 2010

College and Nap Time

It seems like I could always use some sleep. I'm always tired. I can fall asleep in mid afternoon while I'm trying to read but at night my brain goes crazy and thinks about seemingly EVERYTHING. The last two nights I didn't sleep much and lots of what I thought about was things I could write about on this here blog. Maybe I'll do some of those things some time.

But right NOW. I'm in my "boring" class.

It's not actually boring, we just do nothing but listen to the instructor talk. I believe it's called a "lecture". I may be mistaken. We don't have to take notes, which is awesome. Especially for the people who play games or do homework OR update their blogs. I don't mind this class, it's alright. By the way I can't multitask so I have no idea what the instructor is talking about... I just need to study my notes anyway. And the tests are easy multiple choice deals. I've had one so far and only two more and that all my marks.

The best thing about this class is attendance. There are two David Ms in the class and pretty much every time attendance is done I need to say "here" twice.



"David M"


"Um, McDonald"

"Close enough"

And there's this guy who ALWAYS walks in after attendance and the instructor asks him what his name is EVERY.SINGLE.CLASS.

I should maybe pay attention....

I'm tired... I usually doze off in this class.. I wish the people in front of me were taller... WTH (wut dah heck!) is he talking about?


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